Friday, August 21, 2009

Jesus saves, and takes half damage.

A few moments ago, the Megabus I'm currently riding in passed by a sign that said, "Jesus died for the ungodly". Obviously, I wasn't particular fazed, but am I the only one who gets the feeling that Christians (read: evangelicals) have been really cranking up the heat (har har pun) on trying to guilt the rest of us heathens into joining them? It seems now that half the "Marketing for Christ" these days involves the flames of hell in one way or another. My favorite is a sign that pops up every now and then says "Jesus Saves" with flames encircling the text. Not to be picky, but flames are destructive, which sort of throws off the message a bit when you're trying to build a community. Whoops.

Though, admittedly, given the issues of the day, none of this should be particular surprising. After all, what could threaten the foundations of this country more than Gay Marriage? to think that we heathens have the audacity to panic about something to immaterial as the Global Market, when those damn liberals are letting homosexuals get married! It's not like they're tax paying citizens, who contribute just as much to society as much as everyone else does! Oh, wait.

Obviously, this isn't an argument that the signs should go away, that would be a violation of free speech. Though admittedly, I wouldn't object if an executive order came down to Fedex the Westboro Baptist Church to the moon (a man can dream...). In the mean time, I'll just mentally edit all of the rhetoric to either gaming equivalents (see the title) or into 1337 speak (He is the alpha and omega = He is teh  r007 and teh haxxorz).

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